Friday, August 14, 2009

The Benefits of Walking

Take a walk. Enjoy the sunshine. People who walk regularly are less likely to have a heart attack, according to the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. A daily walk can strengthen your heart muscle and help lower your blood pressure. It can also help keep your blood vessels clear by balancing your cholesterol.
Walking also delivers many other health benefits. For instance, a stroll each day aids the digestion and helps with weight control. The rhythmic movement can improve your flexibility, strength and endurance. As you grow older, walking helps keep your bones, muscles and joints healthier, so you’ll feel more limber and have less risk of falling.
Best of all, walking puts you in a good mood. There is scientific evidence that walking fights depression and improves mental wellbeing. So put a spring in your step. Take a stroll. Don’t forget sunscreen!


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